Affiliated to C.B.S.E Board 


Affiliation No . 2132357                                                                                                          Sitapur(U.P)




Exam and Promotion Rules

Student follow the following Rules:

  1. Students are urged to contribute to the high tone of the School by their manners and general behavior.
  2. As far as posture, cleanliness, silence, politeness, honesty, attention to work and respect to teachers and companions are concerned, the School should be looked upon as a place of reverence and discipline.
  3. Absolute silence must be maintained at all places during the teaching hours, whether it is the computer room, the general assembly or on way to and from the class rooms.
  4. Respect for one’s property as well as for that of the School and for the things belonging to others is a mark of a well-bred and responsible student. Any kind of damage done to the School must be made good.
  5. Internal rechecks, totaling of the marks. Etc. will be completed by a scheme of standardization before reports are given out. Hence no answer scripts will be shown to parents.
  6. Students must always speak English in the School premises and maintain a high standard in their conversation.
  7. Books, newspapers, pictures, periodicals, games, articles and transistors, electronic instruments cell/mobile and ipods etc. not pertaining to their daily work and not approved by the Principal should not be brought to the School.
  8. The School does not accept responsibility for the loss of books, money, clothes, games, articles, watches, etc. of the students.
  9. Students should at all costs avoid writing, carving on walls or desks as these are detrimental to good education and a sign of low taste.
  10. The Principal may chastise a student for habitual idleness, disobedience or misconduct injurious to the moral tone of the School, by detention after class hours or by other minor punishments. He may even dismiss a student or ask him to discontinue if he is guilty of serious irregularities.
  11. No fines or collection for any purpose whatsoever may be made without the previous sanction of the Principal. So also presentation of gifts to members of the staff requires previous sanction.
  12. In the absence of the teacher, the class monitor assumes responsibility for order and discipline of the class. He should fulfill his duty with loyalty and impartiality.
  13. Students who are given responsibility should carry it out dutifully and impartially and in accordance with the direction of the Principal or the Teacher deputed by him. They should consider it as a service to the School and to their fellow students.
  14. Students can always approach the Principal individually for any reasonable or sympathetic consideration but not collectively.
  15. No student may take private tuition in any subject from any member of the School staff without the written permission of the Principal. All such tuitions must be discontinued one week before the examinations.
  16. Any student who is persistently insubordinate or is repeatedly and willfully mischievous or if guilty of malpractices in connection with examinations or has committed an offence of serious indiscipline/misbehavior, or who in the opinion of the Principal has an unwholesome influence on his/her fellow pupil, may be removed for a specified period or expelled permanently from the School. The Principal may punish a student in a manner suited to the Office, by detention after School hours, imposition of fines, or by removal from the institution without any previous warning.